Movies (stolen from Amanda (stolen from Dianna))

Monday, April 14, 2008

1) Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times. Fletch, Rattle and Hum.

2) Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in the theater. Like Amanda, because I was with her, I saw Bourne Supremacy twice. Also Batman Begins, and several others.

3) Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie. I don't think there is an actor that would make me more inclined to see a movie that I otherwise would not want to see.

4) Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie. Drew Barrymore, I hate her.

5) Name a movie that you CAN and DO quote from. The Godfather* (leave the gun, take the cannoli) & Fletch (Can I borrow your towell for a sec, my car just hit a water buffalo?)

6) Name a movie musical that you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs. Sound of Music, but I tend to know the lyrics, unlike someone I know.

7) Name a movie you have been known to sing along with. I don't really sing along to movies; sometimes I sing to their soundtracks, but I tend to like to watch a movie, not sing to it; but maybe Rattle and Hum.

8) Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see. The Godfather*

9) Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? I don't recall ever having seen a movie in a drive in.

10) Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven't yet gotten around to it. I don't know, there are lots of them, but whenever I am on Netflix or at the movie store I never remember what they are.

11) Ever walked out of a movie? No, never walked out of a movie in a theater, but I have at home (Amanda was watching one of the most painful movies ever, Delovely).

12) Name a movie that makes you cry. Rudy.

13) Popcorn? Yes, preferably Popsecret Homestyle

14) How often do you go to the movies (as opposed to renting them or watching them at home)? Used to go a lot, almost never go anymore

15) What's the last movie you saw in the theater? 27 Dresses (I didn't remember, but I stole this from Amanda, so that must be right).

16) What's your favorite/preferred genre of movie? Drama/Action

17) What's the first movie you remember seeing in the theater? Return of the Jedi, maybe.

18) What movie do you wish you had never seen? Lots, but especially the portions I have seen of Catwoman and Delovely.

19) What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed? Memento

20) What is the scariest movie you've seen? Alien

21) What is the funniest movie you've seen? Fletch.

22) Name new releases that are on your "to see" list: Don't know. I guess I will be seeing Dan in Real Life, and I hear it is good, so I guess that is ok.

23) Name some of your favorite movies not listed above: I really liked Casino Royale, The LOTR trilogy is good, as long as you don't watch them too frequently, original Star Wars trilogy is also very good (although Luke is a wuss), A Few Good Men, Last of the Mohicans, Crimson Tide, Die Hard, and many, many, many more.

* Although I had always intended to see it, I must admit that Amanda introduced me to The Godfather, which is definitely in my top 5 movies of all-time. I'm sure I would eventually have seen it, but I must thank her for introducing me to it.


I completely agree about Delovely! I rented it because I love the songs of Cole Porter, I like Ashley Judd and Kevin Kline as well. Man, do I ever wish I could get those two hours back (it may have been longer).

Lindsey said...
April 25, 2008 at 12:57 PM  

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